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Raging & Changing Hormones after 40, 50 & 60 Years...

Writer's picture: Brighton Group FitnessBrighton Group Fitness

How Exercise Helps Manage Our Raging & Changing Hormones


It's time for some info on a common topic we come across within our group at Brighton Group Fitness & PT...

Let me start with a bit of context from one of our members sharing their struggles with me, this isn't just for the ladies, guys might learn something too... (names have been changed for confidentiality)

Meredith Ford was at work when the first hot flash hit.

“What in the world is happening to my body?” she remembers thinking a few years ago.

It was the onset of menopause, which brings lower levels of oestrogen and other changes to women’s bodies. Commonly, post-menopausal women can also have a higher risk of heart disease, weaker bones, and extra tummy fat.

For men at the same stage, testosterone drops off, so it’s harder to feel as vibrant and strong. And what’s often called a “beer belly” can come from having less human growth hormone.

Meredith, now 58, always has worked out consistently with weights and cardio training. She credits that healthy lifestyle with keeping her menopause symptoms mild. But she has experienced some joint pain, and occasional weight gain along with big fluctuations through some of the more challenging times over the years.

“We all go through this drop and changes in our hormones,” she says. “I stepped up the lower intensity exercise and cut back some (not all) of my sweets. I don’t run great lengths, and I’m devoted to the yoga, strength, and cross-training sessions Brighton Group Fitness offers. I love what it’s done for my muscle tone.”

Science Shows Exercise Can Help

Hormones contribute to all aspects of our well-being, and it’s important that our bodies produce the right amounts. Mood swings, loss of strength, and a lower libido – all are common among people over 40, 50 & 60 because of hormonal changes.

And because the average age across our members is 50.6 years old, it's pretty darn important we address this!

Aging is one of the factors beyond our control. But exercise can lessen symptoms brought by changing hormones – while also boosting quality of life, lowering aches and pains, and bringing countless physical and mental benefits.

The National Society of Sports Medicine focuses on hormones related to weight loss.

“When kept in balance, these hormones have the largest effect on metabolism,” the organisation says. “When out of balance, they can prevent you from achieving the fitness results you desire.”

Recent studies have reported an anti-aging effect of exercise on the endocrine system including positive changes in cortisol (also known as the stress hormone), growth hormone and insulin.

Here are some other ways exercise can help improve hormone health:

  • Physical activity can affect hormonal health regarding insulin, which lets cells take up protein for energy and muscle. Too much can cause a range of health problems. However regular aerobic exercise, strength training, and endurance exercise can help.

  • Exercise, including strength training, boosts testosterone, growth hormone and others to add strength and sex drive while slowing some natural effects of aging.

  • Raising your heart rate for 30 minutes every day boosts oestrogen to relieve menopause symptoms.

  • Exercise increases dopamine to reduce stress and depression. It’s what causes “runners’ high.”

Other Ideas for Hormone Health

Everyone is different, and your hormone health is complex for men and women alike. Discuss any health questions with your doctor.

Also keep in mind:

  • Eat plenty of protein to maintain healthy muscles, bones and skin. Protein also affects hormones that control hunger and can make you feel fuller for longer.

  • Avoid excessive processed sugar, which can play havoc with insulin and insulin resistance.

  • Manage stress (easier said than done for some, I get it!). Cortisol and adrenaline play helpful roles, but too much can contribute to overeating, high blood pressure, and anxiety.

  • Get plenty of fibre, which helps produce hormones that make you feel full.

For healthy living after 40, 50, and 60, you’re in the driver’s seat to manage exercise, medical care, diet, stress, and more.

We are here to help and guide you!

With a community like ours behind you going through similar struggles, it's not uncommon to have discussions like this, we got your back.

Just remember, you are not alone and there is always help out there... All you gotta do is be brave enough to put your hand up and put in the effort!

We have all been there before...

Much love!

Glen & The Team

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